Unpacking Digital Citizenship

ISTE Digital_Literacy_Dell_09-2021_vF.pdf

How to be CyberSmart?

Cybersmart Hero

Cybersmart Hero addresses the issue of cyberbullying and the power of those in the best position to disrupt cyberbullying—the bystander. 

Being Safe on the Internet

The internet can be an amaze-ing place to explore, but it's also good to practice online safety. Some tips include being careful about sharing personal information, reporting anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable online, and getting familiar with privacy settings. 

Are you a Digital Citizen?

No matter who or where we are, when we're online, we're all Cybersmart citizens - part of one global community. What we do can have a big influence on everyone else.

What is the meaning of Digital Citizenship?

Cyber Safety 

A playlist of two videos: 

Digital Citizenship and You!

Grom Social creator Zach Marks talks about the life changing effects social media can have on our lives and how to be safe and smart online. 

Grom Social is a safe social networking site By Kids For Kids. At GromSocial.com, kids connect, create, play games and share cool ideas in awesome virtual worlds. 

The following is a summative that I will be using to assess your learning.